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It takes a practice to train a kid

2005-11-28 - 1:11 p.m.

Guestbook Spammers

I have discovered a new brand of spammer: The Guestbook Spammer.

No, I am not having any problems with my Diaryland Guestbook, thank goodness. It is the Fallen From Grace guestbook that is being spammed to death these days.

Never mind that Cassie, our Momma Borg, has installed a feature in which any entries need to be approved by the webmaster (namely me), before appearing on the page.

Never mind that I have posted a big, honking notice saying that the entries to the Guestbook require approval and that you will not see your entry posted immediately. These guys either cannot read or they are just like the rats in a maze pushing the same button again and again, hoping that the elusive piece nonexistent cheese will pop up this time.

As a result, I end up with my own mailbox full of "New FFG Guestbook Message" waiting for approval.

The online-casinos and erectile dysfunction drug peddlers are the worst, followed by the purveyors of educational toys. (The mental image resulting from this is not very comforting: "Hey baby, why don't we play a nice game of Scrabble while my erectile dysfunction drug kicks in, heh? We can then switch to strip-poker! Online!")

It is really disturbing.

I do hope that guestbook spammers burn in whichever corner of Hell is reserved for these bottom-scrappers.

I also hope that said Hell includes little Fisher Price dolls that look like Chucky, who will jump on their heads and beat them up with heavy cases of phentermine, while a bunch of little old ladies yell "Bingo!"

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