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It takes a practice to train a kid

2005-10-30 - 8:17 p.m.

Are You Talking to Meow?

Treachery at the Tokaido was a lot of fun, merchanting was great, and the A&S Exhibit great.

Got a plate and a pitcher from Eadric, which should go very well with my persona. Yay! (I am trying to concentrate a bit more on persona development. More on that on a different posting.)

At any rate, afterwards Jeff, Marcellus and myself headed for home and stopped at a Cajun restaurant for dinner, and then picked up El Brato, who was helping his Drama group with their Halloween Hounted House.

All in all, a lot of fun.

That night I had the weirdest of dreams. It started with a wedding (it was not clear whether it was mine or someone else's), in which someone was supposed to marry some really bad guy.

Of course, in my dream a rescue operation was mounted, which somehow involved the cast of Alias Smith and Jones. I am not entirely sure if the rescue was successful or not, as somehow during the chase scene I ended up in a hotel room in London, with Carlos, wondering where Marcellus had gone.

While I am looking for Marcellus, now I find myself at Pennsic, at the Fallen From Grace encampment. Only that nobody knows whose turn is to cook that night and we don't have a schedule. Greta, our Fearless Choremistress, doesn't have a clue and for someone who knows Greta, this is simple unheard of.

I get extremely annoyed and tell everyone that we are going to have to go to the food court and that someone should better be doing a town run if we want to eat tomorrow. But first, I gotta go and visit the underground park that somehow is under the FFG lot. (The Cooper's seemed to have been very generous with us that year.)

At that point I am wondering how in heavens we have an amusement park under FFG, but who's counting. I tell Seamus to come with me, but he tells me that Government agents are underground cleaning the park because there is a scarab infestation.

Still with me? It gets weirder.

By now I have acquired a bag with a blanket in it, that came from that underground park. Only now all sorts of things are coming out of the walls and trying to retrieve the bag. They are foxes, and cats, and other critters. I manage to capture a cat, and ask it what the heck is going on.

This is a talking cat, but before it can tell me anything, the Pope shows up. I tell the cat to start meowing, as it would not do for the Pope to realize that I have a talking cat. So the cat says "Meow." Doesn't meow, but it says it. The Pope says "Nice kitty," and doesn't realize that the cat is talking and not meowing.

People start gathering, and I grow annoyed because I cannot talk with my cat. I excuse myself, and go to the other room, where the cat starts spilling the beans and telling me the secret of the blanket.

And then I woke up.

That's it.

I'm never eating Cajun again right before bed.

rewind - fast forward

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