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It takes a practice to train a kid

2005-04-29 - 12:32 p.m.

You are 32% geek
You are a geek liaison, which means you go both ways. You can hang out with normal people or you can hang out with geeks which means you often have geeks as friends and/or have a job where you have to mediate between geeks and normal people. This is an important role and one of which you should be proud. In fact, you can make a good deal of money as a translator.
Normal: Tell our geek we need him to work this weekend.

You [to Geek]: We need more than that, Scotty. You'll have to stay until you can squeeze more outta them engines!

Geek [to You]: I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain, but we need more dilithium crystals!

You [to Normal]: He wants to know if he gets overtime.

Take the Polygeek Quiz at Thudfactor.com


Had a godawful day yesterday, which was just fine because it was fencing practice day.

Nothing like having a stressful day to motivate you to beat on people. Let's hear it for bad days!

Today, it has been a lot better.

But going back to yesterday. I made it to practice with the desire to bring out the blades and find someone to fight with. Instead, I spent most of the time outside chatting with Greta. Then we were joined by Perronelle, who had shown up to deliver the chemise she is making for Denise and, later, we were joined by each and every female fencer.

We ended up having a great time outside.

(No guys allowed, except for George, the Bearded Lady.)

The funniest thing was that the guys would come out and say, "Hey there! Are you coming in? What the heck are you doing outside?"

"Doing each other's hair and talking about you, what else?" Was our response.

In the end we came back inside and I got to fight with Seamus, who wanted to do single dagger. It was a lot of fun as usual.

Afterwards, I gave Shenafin a crash course on what to do with double daggers in a field full of schlagers.

(Do not attempt to fence, for one thing! Just distract them and have a friend with a long pointy blade take care of them! Teamwork baby! It's all about the teamwork!)

At any rate, I felt very comfortable with my fighting and I realized that something very interesting is happening to me.

I am beginning to fight by instinct.

Yup, once I disconnect my brain, my body reacts as it should and things click.

Admittedly, this doesn't happen every single time, but it is happening more and more often. Slowly but surely.

And it used to be that I had to think about disconnecting. These days, I don't have to think that much for the disconnect to happen.

Will this make me the next fencing goddess of death? I don't know and to be honest, I don't care. These days I am concentrating more on getting better than I am on winning. That, and disconnecting the brain.

I am not sure how long it will take for me to get where I want to go, but I know that I am on my way.

And the journey itself is half the fun.

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